FX Experience Games
This project is home to the FX Experience initiative to develop games in JavaFX. It is a community driven project in its early stages. The current focus is on developing simple games that demonstrate how JavaFX can be used as a game development platform.
The first game under development is a JavaFX version of the classic Tower Defender game. This game is in initial design stages.
See it in Action
Currently our game is very raw and not overly cool but you can see it develop:
- Executable JAR:
We'll try to keep these links fairly up to date with the latest code and when our game is looking better we'll add native installers and other ways to run it.
Getting Involved
Anyone can join this project, it is intended to be a collaborative, community driven effort.
Discussions about this project are via the . If you want to work on a particular feature it is a good idea to search the existing discussions first. If there are no discussions on the topic you are interested in, start one!
Generally it is a good idea to let the rest of the group know what you are planning to work on and get input on your strategy so as to avoid double up in work or code going off track.
Getting Started
To ensure the code base remains relatively controlled, it is encouraged that you create your own fork of the code (or join forces with another developer and work on their fork). Make changes on your fork, then issue a Pull request to have your code reviewed and ultimately included in the main codebase.
See this guide on how to setup your development environment:
This project, and all code within is distributed under the BSD licence. For more information see: